Series 10 is here

We are excited to announce the launch of ten new titles covering all four reading levels. Series 10 is produced in full colour and available for purchase as individual books or as a set.

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Books reviews

TESOLANZ News reviewed two of our books from Series 9: Helpful Harry and Bank Hold-Up. Both were found to deliver "interesting content and useful language for developing reading and literacy skills, suitable for use both inside and out of the classroom."

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PageTurners in Colour!

You may have noticed that some of the books in our range now come in coloured print versions. Where available, coloured print versions will automatically be supplied in your order at no extra charge.

The Beach
PageTurners are short, easy-to-read stories for adults learning to read.
Our popular books are written and illustrated by experienced teachers to suit the needs of adults learning to read English. The stories are often funny, sometimes irreverent, and always on topics of interest to adult learners.
Our books feature

More accessible reading levels than most commercial texts (books range from 100 – 700 words in length)

Stories that are appropriate for adult readers

Language suitable for EAL or literacy students

Entertaining cartoon illustrations

A complete word list at the back of each book

Follow-up exercises and discussion topics

Free teacher resources

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